Who is Fuzhou Symbiosistas?
Fuzhou Symbiosistas Co. Ltd. is a supplier of generators and generator spare parts. We provide genset OEM factories, genset dealers, and genset service and maintenance companies with the generators and parts they need. We aim to be an internationally recognized brand known for excellent service and competitive prices.
What does Symbiosistas mean?
The name Symbiosistas comes from the combination of the word ‘Symbiosis’ and the Spanish suffix ‘-ista’ as in a barista, which is used to describe a person who does something professionally. The concept illustrates our commitment to cultivating symbiotic business and trade relationships.
As part of our promise to develop symbiotic business relationships, we operate on the principles of Mutual Benefit and Mutual Trust, meaning that we will not engage in business, which is not beneficial to all parties involved, and which does not foster trust and respect.
Mutual Benefit
The principle of Mutual Benefit means that we do not sell products below our cost or the cost of our suppliers, and we will not sell products at prices that are significantly higher than their market rates. We do this for ethical reasons and business sustainability. While it is possible to find suppliers that will sell below cost to capture a market, also known as dumping, we view this strategy as immoral and unsustainable. Our products are priced based on their real value, a price that is very competitive but does not diminish the reputation of Chinese products in the market.
Mutual Trust
Operating on the principle of Mutual Trust means that we engage in business that develops a positive and healthy relationship with our clients and suppliers. We meet new clients and suppliers regularly, and we do our best to have positive interactions with them. Occasionally, we run into prospective suppliers who do not truthfully represent their products. We also meet clients who are abusive to our staff or are only willing to accept deals in which the other side must sell below cost. These types of business relationships inhibit trust and are disrespectful to clients and manufacturers who must both earn a profit to survive, so we do not engage in them. When you work with Symbiosistas, you can trust that we want you to succeed.
Why Symbiosistas?
At Symbiosistas, our goal is to improve the accessibility of the Chinese energy market by providing a reliable pathway to products on the cutting edge of Chinese innovation.
· We have expert knowledge of the Chinese energy market and can find anything you need at affordable prices.
· We have cultivated connections with high-end Chinese manufacturers that produce equipment and components that industry leaders purchase and rebrand.
· Our focus is on building business relations that promote mutual benefit and mutual trust. If a deal is not good for you, it is not good for us.